Siding Repair

How to Get the Best Siding Repair Service for Your Home

Charleston Advanced Siding Repair can restore the beauty and value of your home. Make sure they are licensed, insured, and have a portfolio of past projects. They should also be familiar with EPA lead-safe practices, especially for older homes.Siding Repair

For holes that don’t extend through the underlying house wrap or tar paper, fill them with spray foam sealant and cut away any excess after it cures. Then apply epoxy putty and stain or paint to match the siding.

If your home’s vinyl siding is cracked, it’s time for a quick and easy repair. Depending on the size of the crack, you can fill it using caulk that matches the color of your siding. You may need to patch the area with a piece of scrap siding for larger cracks. First, clean the area with soap and water to remove any debris and dirt. Then, choose a day free of bad weather to begin your repairs. Once the surface is dry, load a caulking gun with the desired caulk and apply a caulk line to the crack’s edge. Use a putty knife to smooth the caulk and ensure it’s level with the surface of your siding. Once the caulk is dry, it’s time to paint over the repaired area. Ensure the new coat of paint is formulated for the exteriors to protect it from the elements.

Holes in your vinyl siding are more than just an eyesore, they can also allow moisture to enter your home. The moisture that seeps through your siding can lead to wood rot, mold growth and other damage to your house’s structure. The holes that caused the leaks can also let heat escape in the winter, which will raise your heating bills, or hot air in the summer, which will cause your air conditioning to work overtime.

Most of the time, you’ll be able to repair small holes with a bit of sanding and painting. For larger holes, you’ll need to use a patch of the same-colored vinyl siding to cover it. First, clean the damaged surface of the vinyl with a sponge and soapy water to remove any debris. Then, use a pair of snips to trim away the rolled edges at the top and bottom of the patch so it properly fits over the hole. Apply a bead of caulk to the back of the patch and to the surface of your vinyl siding to secure it in place.

If the reason for your damaged siding is due to wind and other weather conditions, you’ll want to be sure to file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Our experienced contractors will be able to help you navigate the insurance process and get the compensation you need to have your siding repaired or replaced.


Damage to your home’s exterior is inevitable – hail, wind-blown debris, falling tree limbs, and sports balls are just a few of the things that can cause holes in your siding. These holes aren’t just unsightly, but they allow moisture to enter your home and lead to significant water damage, rot, mold, and other problems.

Holes are one of the most common indicators that it’s time for your siding to be replaced or repaired. Mold, moss, and mildew growing on the side of your house are also indications that it’s time for new siding. Moisture infiltrating your siding can eventually make its way into your wallboards, causing peeling paint and wallpaper as well as yellowish water stains.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action right away before the problem worsens. If left unchecked, moisture can cause a number of other issues such as soft rotten boards that can easily be penetrated by water or insects. Moisture can also ruin the insulation in your home, raising your energy costs.

Replacing your siding when needed can increase your home’s value and curb appeal as well as protect it from moisture-related problems. The good news is, fixing these damaged areas is relatively easy.

If you have vinyl siding, the best repair method for holes or cracks is to fill them with a self-adhesive patch. Choose a patch that matches the color of your siding, remove the backing on the lower surface of the patch and adhere it over the hole or crack. Then, apply a bead of caulk around the hole to ensure it is watertight. After the caulk dries, touch up with exterior-grade paint to match the color of your siding. This method works great for holes up to 1 inch in diameter. If you have larger holes, more extensive repairs may be necessary.

Water Damage

Water damage in siding is a serious problem because it can lead to mold, rot and other problems that are expensive and difficult to fix. That’s why it’s important to watch out for signs of water damage and act quickly when you see them.

Siding is designed to protect your home from moisture that can cause damage to the wood framing and other structural components inside walls, roofs, and foundations. Moisture penetration can also cause deterioration and decay of the sheathing and lead to mold growth that can make you and your family sick, resulting in sneezing, itchy eyes, noses, lungs and other health issues.

There are several causes of water damage to your siding, including missing gutters, misplaced gutters, and improperly installed flashing, which can all allow rainwater to seep behind your siding and into your walls. You should regularly inspect your gutters and windows, and if you notice any cracks or holes in the caulking around them, have them repaired right away to avoid water leakage.

Another sign of possible water damage to your siding is if you notice that your paint has started to chip, peel or fade. This can happen due to sun, changing temperatures, and other factors, but it often signifies that your siding is getting old and worn down.

If you have a hole or crack in your siding, start by using a tape measure to take precise measurements of the damaged area. Next, use a caulk gun to insert the nozzle into the hole or crack. Once the nozzle is in place, carefully fill the hole with caulk, making sure to slightly overfill it so that the gap is not able to be filled back up with water. After the caulk dries, clean off the area and wipe off any excess with a damp cloth. If you have a piece of scrap siding that matches the color of your siding, cut a patch that is a bit bigger than the hole or crack so that you can wrap it around the damaged area and secure it in place with a nail strip.


Wavy or warped siding isn’t just unsightly – it can also allow moisture to get in, compromise the protection of the home and even cause other damage. One of the most common causes for this problem is improper installation. This can happen when the installers nail the vinyl too tightly. This can lead to it bulging out whenever the temperature fluctuates, making it look wavy and warped. A good way to check this is to grab a piece of the vinyl and gently move it from side to side. It should easily move about half an inch.

Other common reasons for warping include exposure to sunlight, poor drainage or sprinklers that spray water constantly on the house, and pests like termites. This can be a serious problem because the pests can burrow under the vinyl and eat away at the structure of the home, potentially leaving it wavy and weak.

This issue is a little more complicated, but it can still be fixed by removing the rotten planks and replacing them. The cost for this usually comes out to about $150 to $300 per 10’ by 10’ section. It’s important to do this on a regular basis and after severe storms to make sure that the damage is caught quickly.

You can also try to prevent this by putting up window awnings and planting trees to provide shade and decrease the amount of sun that hits your siding. You can also install a plastic house wrap to help keep unwanted water from infiltrating your siding and roof.

Another less common reason for siding to become wavy or warped is that your neighbor’s windows have Low-E glass. This helps diffuse the dangerous UV rays that can damage your siding, but it can be a problem if you have wood or vinyl siding close to theirs and starting to warp. If you notice this, you can use some caulking to fill the holes and prevent further damage.